Super Large Chinese Character Set Solution
      Based on the good cooperation with Windows, ZhongYi Super Large Chinese Character Solution first complete implementation for ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (Unicode 4.0) international standard character set with more than 70,000 Chinese characters. It supports display, input, and full-text search on Windows and has seamless integration with the Zhongyi fonts on Windows. Compatible with text and characters from 150 countries, this multi-language system can process the most Chinese characters in the world. All characters can be viewed and searched via Internet browsers.

      As one of the earliest production systems in China "National 973 information technology and high performance software projects", the data generated from this system can be used in any system. All 70,000 Chinese characters can be viewed and exchanged via Internet browsers. Therefore, it enables information to be shared cross countries, cross areas, cross platforms, and cross systems. It is a super multi-purpose solution for building Chinese and multi-language databases.

      China National Library choose this system as the primary platform in 2003 for their digitization project. The full-text data for Local Histories and the publishing and search system developed by Zhongyi are all based on this system. There are 3.3 million pages, about 2 billion characters to be digitized in this project. This system sets a solid base for national library's digitization project to fully conform with international standard.This solution is composed by several modules as following:

Zhong Yi Super Large Chinese Character Set:
This character set includes 70,195 Chinese characters which is fully conformed to ISO/IEC 10646: 2003 (Unicode 4.0). All characters can display, input, edit, print on Windows. The character set collects characters used in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, HongKong, and Macao, compatible with multi-languages used over 150 countries worldwide in the same inferface. All characters can be viewed and exchanged via Internet browsers.

Zheng Code, Radical, Stroke Input methods
Every input methods are capable to input 70,195 character. No learning curve required for using Radical and Stroke input methods. Zheng Code, default input method on Windows, is suitable for high speed key-in. Zheng Code had obtained many awards worldwide.

Full Text Search Engine
Written in Java, ZhongYi's full-text search engine is capable to do high performance full text search against high volume data. It supports full text search in super large Chinese character sets on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms with great scalability, good performance, as well as high accuracy and completion rate.

Supporting System
Enable the Super large character set seamlessly connected with system fonts. Allowed to add self-define characters and symbols.

 Applied Areas 
Digital library: book / documentation digitization and Internet publishing system
Digitization for history, archeology, genealogies, Local histories, news paper, magazines, etc.
Residence management system, ID management system, tax management system, banks, insurance. Mainly      for handling people's names and place names.
Processing rare characters used in technology, agriculture, medical areas
Editing and publishing for dictionary, religion books, maps
Geographic information system
Military management system

〖Chinese King e〗

A Software of
Super Large Chinese Character Set


In 2003, Chinese Kine e granted certification from Microsoft.
In 2004, Chinese Kine e passed the qualification test from China national Chinese information
     processing product quality control center.

Chinese King e provides full support for the display, input, editing, printing, and publishing all 70,000 Chinese characters in ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (Unicode 4.0) international standard. It runs on Microsoft Windows and extends the system support for Chinese to 70,000+ characters from 20,000. Several easy-to-use Chinese input methods are also included in the product.

Chinese King e runs on multiple language platforms, such as English Windows, Japanese Windows. Chinese characters used in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and all characters used in 150 countries can be displayed in the same page. All characters can be browsed via web browser on Internet.

Chinese King e provides a solution for the needs in post, residence management, finance, and geographic information systems to present the names for people and places. It also provides a tool for Chinese character research, ancient book study, dictionary editing, book writing in specific areas, and digitalization. The system conforms to international standard, which ensures the data generated can be shared via Internet.

All characters are fully comformed to ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (Unicode 4.0).
Used in Microsoft Office, Wordpad, Notepade.
Multiple input methods without learning curve.
Compatiable with multilingural system, such as Windows English, Japanese version.

Address: 19/F BeiAo Plaza A-2 Hui Xin East St.                 Beijing, P.R.China
Tel: (86-010)8488.7489
E-mail: marketing@china-e.com.cn
Zip Code: 100029 
Fax: (86-010)8488.7401
Website: www.china-e.com.cn